Knot tying is a lost art form, partly due to bungee cords, ratchet straps, and other devices that allow you to secure a string without actually tying a knot. While these devices certainly have a place (ratchet straps in particular), there are many situations where it's quicker to know which knot to tie. In addition, the outdoors is a skill that builds confidence and gives you something to teach others.
Learning how to tie camp knots isn't all that hard; remembering what to use them for. We've put together four base camp knots and what they're for.
Izbarço knot
The bowline knot is useful for many things and even works particularly well for a clothesline as it is very secure with a load.
square knot
It's easy to hook up and works great for hauling firewood back to the campsite.
lashing hook
Tying is a bit more complicated when it comes to knots, but it's a quick knot to know. The camp shower will be up and down the tree all weekend, so that's a whole lot easier.
You'll often see the Tension Line Knot used for tension ropes, but with a small diameter rope it likes to slip under a heavy load if you don't get it right. We prefer Blake's Hitch as a moving knot. It is often used by arborists and the way we link it here is a slightly modified version. However, it is extremely secure and still adjustable.