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15 Inspirational Travel Books

Nothing better than books can move us through space. Except for trains and planes, of course. A little imagination - and you'll embark on a new adventure from your own seat. From the remote islands in the Pacific Ocean to the mountains of Bhutan, the whole world is open to you. Get ready for an exciting literary journey across the planet. 15 inspiring travel books to guide you.

"In a Land of the Sunburned" ("In the Land of the Eternal Sun"), Bill Bryson

Bill Bryson's travel humor books are loved by readers. "In the Land of the Eternal Sun" is no exception. In it, the author describes his fun trip to Australia. This country is the leader in the number of deadly creatures. But that doesn't stop Bryson from loving him passionately. Forget the usual hiking trails. You will find yourself in the uncharted corners of a large continent. Bryson's sense of humor and colorful landscapes will make you fall in love with Australia.

Turn Right From Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City in One Step Mark Adams

In this book, author Mark Adams follows in the footsteps of archaeologist Hyrum Bingham, who discovered the lost Inca city of Machu Picchu. Before the expedition, Adams had never slept in a tent. But that didn't stop him from following Bingham's path. In the pleasant company of the author, you will see the legendary places and learn about their history.

"Beyond Sky and Earth: A Journey to Bhutan" by Jamie Zeppa

Jamie Zeppa, 24, is traveling outside of North America for the first time. He leaves to teach English in a Himalayan village in Bhutan. During the three years he spent there, he had to face many difficulties. Find out what transformation it led. Beautiful style and emotional depictions of the nature and culture of Bhutan will introduce you to the life of this amazing country.

Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is one of the most read books in modern literature, and for good reason. Young shepherd Santiago, following his heart's call, sets out from Spain to Egypt. He wants to find treasure. But the journey's life lessons help Santiago find himself. This story will remind you to chart your own path and always follow your dreams. Vivid quotes from the cult parable novel will be remembered for a long time.

"Wild. Dangerous Journey by Sheryl Strayed

Cheryl Stride struggles with the loss of her mother and a broken marriage. Despite having no hiking experience, she travels the Pacific Trail alone. The route passes through the Mojave Desert through California, Oregon, and Washington. A difficult and dangerous journey will help Cheryl break away from the past and find herself again. This fascinating autobiographical story will make you believe in yourself. And many of the challenges in Cheryl's path will be familiar to women traveling alone.

Lands of the Lost Frontier: A Journey on the Silk Road by Keith Harris

This book chronicles the cycling journey of Canadian author Kate Harris. The author has always been fascinated by the stories of the great explorers of the world, such as Marco Polo. And one day, Kate quit her scientific career to travel along the Silk Road for a year with her best friend. The farthest corners of the world will appear before you. Even looking at the life of such amazing countries as Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan will reveal. Travel notes are intertwined with the author's deep reflections on life. This story gives hope for a brighter future for humanity.

A Motorcyclist's Diary by Ernesto Che Guevara

This is the story of Che Guevara's eight-month journey on a motorcycle through South America. In his diary entries, the young revolutionary described his life. As a medical student, he embarks on a journey that will introduce him to poverty, politics and philosophy. And most importantly, with yourself. Excerpts from an exciting story will be remembered for a long time. And maybe even inspire a new adventure.

"In Patagonia" by Bruce Chatwin

Bruce Chatwin embarks on a six-month journey through Patagonia to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world. He collects the stories of all the people he meets along the way. We have before us a breathtaking picture of life in this hostile yet fascinating place. Always wanted to visit Patagonia? Then read this book!

The Geography of Happiness by Eric Weiner

Author and National Public Radio correspondent Eric Weiner is on a year-long trip. Its main purpose is to find out what and how it makes people happy. He visits various countries around the world, including Iceland, Qatar, Denmark, India, and Bhutan. It is these states that measure the indicator of gross national happiness. The Geography of Happiness is a vibrant mix of travel writing, psychology, history and humor. Readers looking for the secret of happiness will travel the world with the author.

Torre Deros, "Love that can drown" ("Love that can drown")

The author is terrified of the ocean, but goes on a sailing trip with an almost unfamiliar friend. Accompany them. Along the way, you'll meet Pacific island chains, colorful landscapes, and interesting people. This is fear A fun and inspiring story about how to overcome, take big risks and get what you want.

"Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert

This inspiring story is a true bible for all solo travellers. Elizabeth Gilbert leaves behind a successful life and an unhappy marriage and goes to get to know herself. She tastes local food in Italy, meditates in India, and falls in love in Indonesia. Eat, Pray, Love is not just a journey story. The book will help you understand your own path and become the best version of yourself.

"Thin air. The worst tragedy in Everest history Jon Krakauer

The author describes the terrible tragedy on Everest in 1996, when eight climbers died. The lives of the rest were threatened by a sudden storm. You will learn in great detail about the tragic events and those who participated in the expedition. Krakauer vividly describes the disaster and the emotional state of the people who decided to climb.

"Happiness in Pursuit" by Chris Guilbaud

Chris Guilbaud plans to visit all countries of the world by the age of 35. The journey shows him how many people in the world embark on their own crusade for happiness. Guilbeau talks about a teenager crossing the ocean alone and other surprising destinies. These stories show that anyone can fill life with meaning. Enough to travel.

"Dark Star Safari: From Cairo to Cape Town by Land" ("Black Star Safari") by Paul Theroux

The author travels from Cairo to Cape Town by all available means of transport. It travels to the heart of Africa by buses, trains, cattle trucks, canoes and even as part of a military convoy. On his journey through an unfamiliar and misunderstood continent, Teru encounters many obstacles. But when they manage to overcome it, the stronger his joy becomes.

"On the Road" by Jack Kerouac

Based on the author's biography, the novel chronicles the travels of Jack Kerouac and his friends on the territory of the United States after the Second World War. The book has become a true classic of American prose. The rebels embark on a nationwide journey from New York to Los Angeles to Mexico. They are waiting for a lot of adventures on the road that can only happen on the way. Looking for undiscovered paths? You will find them in this fascinating novel.

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